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Counseling Office

The Counselor's Role

The role of a school counselor is to support and advocate for students to provide them with the opportunities necessary for them to be successful academically and interpersonally.  A school counselor is part of a multidisciplinary team that is responsible for ensuring appropriate educational opportunities for all students.  It is important to be aware that the school counselor is responsible for helping the entire student population while tailoring interventions to meet the specific needs of each student.  We are here to support your child both academically and socially/emotionally.

Individual and Group Counseling
Individual and group counseling are available to all students.  Students benefit from in-school counseling when they are having a difficulty that is affecting their ability to function in the school setting.  Problems/concerns that are typically addressed in counseling include, but are not limited to:

  • Divorce/Separation/Family Change
  • Self-Control
  • Behaviors related to ADD/ADHD
  • Obsessive Thoughts
  • Family Problems
  • Anxious Feelings
  • Feelings of Depression/Sadness
  • Separation Anxiety
  • Anger Management
  • Bereavement
  • Social Skills
  • Familial Drug/Alcohol Abuse
  • Student Substance Use/Abuse
  • Interpersonal Issues
  • Student Academic Skills
  • Coping with a Learning Disability
  • General Coping Skills
  • Emotional Regulation


Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

CASEL Learning

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) school counselors work to support students and the school community reach 3 goals developed and based on five social emotional competencies identified by the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL).

  1. Develop self-awareness and self-management skills essential to success in school and in life.
  2. Use social awareness and interpersonal skills to establish and maintain positive relationships.
  3. Demonstrate ethical decision-making skills and responsible behaviors in personal, school, and community contexts. 

Our Middle School and High school Social Emotional School Counselors proactively provide universal supports and preventive interventions for all students.  SEL school counselors customize interventions that address academic, social, emotional, and behavioral challenges for students at-risk and with more intensive needs.  Data collection and collaboration with all stakeholders is imperative to identify student and school-wide needs.  Data collection tools that are utilized are: student self-assessments, Panorama screeners, and parent, school team or student referral.

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) school counselors provide direct and indirect student supports by facilitating individual crisis support, group counseling services, classroom lessons, response to intervention consultation,  and restorative practice delivery.

Helpful Books by Topic

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MS Counselors


Cory Terwilliger
Blue House Counselor, Grades 6-8
(585) 293-4542 ext. 1560

Bethany Valente
Green House Counselor, Grades 6-8
(585) 293-4542 ext. 1545

Kelly Salomone
Red House Counselor, Grades 6-8
(585) 293-4542 ext. 2184

Shavaughn Stefaniak
SEL School Counselor and Instructional Leader, 5-8 Grade
(585) 293-4542 ext. 1509

Danielle Thompson, M.S., C.A.S.
School Counselor, 5th Grade
(585) 293-4542 ext. 2540

Churchville-Chili CSD utilizes school counselors, psychologists and social workers to support students, families, classroom staff and administrators.

To learn more about the district's various services, resources and supports, please visit: 

Mental Health Resources & Support

Drug and Alcohol Counseling